Thursday, August 10, 2017

FBI Orlando Operative David Gletty

David Gletty Investigations: What Sets (DGI) Apart From The Rest 

The Team at DGI (David Gletty Investigations) has many years of experience working with State and Federal Government agencies, private investigations for both individuals and corporations, and high-profile security services.  The casework of Team DGI has included assignments for investigative activities related to National Security, Extremist Groups, Illegal Narcotics, Homicides, Robberies, Counterfeit Money, Corporate Security, Corporate Espionage, Employer/Employee Investigations, Runaway child/Missing person, Forensic Investigations, Surveillance, Planting of and Removal of audio/video recording devices and many other assignments that you may need.

For many years, DGI and their investigative crew traveled throughout the Country, often risking their safety, in order to provide the FBI and other agencies with behind the scenes intelligence which resulted in the arrest and conviction of numerous leaders in the organizations they infiltrated/investigated and also helped to prevent criminals from planning criminal acts and domestic terrorist attacks against the United States.

That type of Experience and Professionalism is what DGI and associates “Bring to the Table” when it is “Your Case” that is being handled. Every client is handled with a “Personal Touch” and the client will know that. DGI can take care of any situation that you may have…

If you have an issue that needs to be taken care of please contact us @:

Office (407)625-7297

Thank you

The Investigative Team at DGI

DGI has worked in a Confidential manner for many Top Corporations in the USA: